Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Thune Speaks on Obamacare Repeal, Controlling Spending

The Yanktown Press & Dakotan is reporting that Senator Thune spoke Tuesday on the need for reigning in government spending and repealing Obamacare. He predicts the repeal effort will pass the House and die in the Senate, forcing Republicans to focus on repealing individual parts of the legislation like the unconstitutional mandate for insurance. Although he was speaking in his own state, both of these items will certainly be the major issues shaping the 2012 presidential campaign. As I noted earlier, if Senator Thune is outspoken for the repeal effort in the Senate, that exposure would help position him for a presidential run.


  1. Hello,

    Are you on Twitter? Are there any other websites like yours out there?

    I am a big Senator Thune backer (though I must concede if Gov Perry jumps in my allegiance could change)

    Either or for would make a great ticket don't you think???

    Going to put your site on my RSS feader.

    BTW, I emailed him the other day, I got a somewhat nuanced answer, as to his intentions but I could tell it was a live person who responded, as opposed to those standard, generic software induced answers!

    I am ready, willing and able here in Miami to help him, as much as I can, and I have already been spreading his name and background to some key constituency groups.

  2. Carlos,

    Thanks for finding the site - as far as I can tell there isn't another site specifically devoted to promoting Sen. Thune in 2012.

    I've been really impressed with Sen. Thune's leadership capabilities and hope to see them displayed in 2012.

    Also, I like Rick Perry a lot too, I am originally from Texas and got to meet him once - he is very personable and a competent leader for certain.

    I'm sure that as the campaign unfolds we'll be in contact through supporting Thune. If I can help your efforts in any way or vice-versa feel free to shoot me off an email at Thanks again!
